Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Abbreviations for Common Business Degrees

Abbreviations for Common Business Degrees Business degree abbreviations sometimes vary from school to school, but most educational institutions use a standard format. The problem is that there are a lot of different abbreviations- so many that it can be hard to figure out what they all stand for. It can also be confusing when two business degree abbreviations are very similar, such as the EMS (Executive Master of Science)  and EMSM (Executive Master of Science in Management). Bachelor Degrees Bachelor degrees are undergraduate degrees. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree has more of a broad focus on liberal arts, while the Bachelor of Science (BS) has more of a tightly focused curriculum. The most common business-related bachelor degrees include: BA: Bachelor of ArtsBBA: Bachelor of Business Administration  BPA: Bachelor of Public AdministrationBS: Bachelor of ScienceBSB: Bachelor of Science in BusinessBSBA: Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationBSc CIS: Bachelor of Computer Information Systems ExecutiveDegrees In the business field, executive degree programs are commonly designed for  working business professionals who want to advance their knowledge in general business (business administration) or in a particular area of business such as public administration, management, or taxation. Although many students in executive degree programs are actual executives, not all students work in a supervisory capacity; some students simply have executive potential.  The most common executive degrees include: EMBA: Executive MBAEMIB: Executive Master if International BusinessEMPA: Executive Master of Public AdministrationEMS: Executive Master of ScienceEMSM: Executive Master of Science in ManagementEMSMOT: Executive Master of Science in Management of TechnologyEMST: Executive Master of Science in TaxationGEMBA: Global Executive Master of Business Administration Master's Degrees A masters degree is a graduate-level degree that is earned after completing undergraduate-level education. There are many specialized masters degrees in the business field. The most common include: IMBA: International MBAMAcc: Master of AccountancyMAIS: Master of Accounting and Information SystemsMBA: Master of Business Administration  MBE: Master of Business EducationMBI: Master of Business InformaticsMBS: Master of Business StudiesMFA: Master of Fine ArtsMHR: Master of Human ResourcesMHRM: Master of Human Resources ManagementMIA: Master of International AffairsMIAS: Master of International and Area StudiesMIB: Master of International BusinessMIM: Master of International ManagementMIS: Master of Information SystemsMISM: Master of Information Systems ManagementMMIS: Master of Management Information SystemsMMR: Master of Marketing ResearchMMS: Master of Management ScienceMNO: Master of Nonprofit OrganizationsMOD: Master of Science in Organizational DevelopmentMPA: Master of Public AdministrationMPAcc: Master of Professional AccountingMPIA: Master of Public and International AffairsMPL: Master of PlanningMPP: Master of Public PolicyMRED: Master of Real Estate DevelopmentMTAX: M aster of Taxation Master of Science Degrees Master of Science degrees, also known as MS degrees, are graduate-level degrees with a tightly focused track of study in a particular area such as accounting, finance, management, taxation, or real estate. The most common Master of Science degrees in the business field include: MSA: Master of Science in Accountancy (or Accounting)MSAIS: Master of Science in Accountancy Information SystemsMSAT: Master of Science in Accountancy, TaxationMSB: Master of Science in BusinessMSBA: Master of Science in Business AdministrationMSF: Master of Science in FinanceMSFA: Master of Science in Financial AnalysisMSFS: Master of Science in Foreign ServicesMSGFA: Master of Science in Global Financial AnalysisMSIB: Master of Science in International BusinessMSIM:  Master of Science in Industrial ManagementMSIS: Master of Science in Information SystemsMSITM: Master of Science in Information Technology ManagementMSM: Master of Science in ManagementMSMOT: Master of Science in Management of TechnologyMSOD: Master of Science in Organization DevelopmentMSRE: Master of Science in Real EstateMST: Master of Science in Taxation Exceptions to Standard Degree Abbreviations Although most business schools use the abbreviations above, there are some exceptions. For example, Harvard University follows the tradition of Latin degree names  for some of their undergraduate and graduate degrees, which means that the  degree abbreviations look backward compared to what many of us are used to seeing in the U.S. Here are a few examples: AB: This is the name for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree. AB stands for artium baccalaureus.SB:  This is the name for the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree.  SB stands for scientiae baccalaureus.AM: This is the equivalent of the Master of Arts (MA) degree. AM stands for artium magister.SM: This is the equivalent of the  Master of Science (MS) degree. SM stands for scientiae magister.

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